Rest More - Live Longer
Rest More - Live Longer vacation, rest, acclimatization In society, you can often meet people…

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Welcome to Cyprus!
The island of Cyprus is a hospitable and safe country, captivating with its picturesque nature,…

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The most terrible places in the world
There are many mystical places on earth that cause fear and horror in people. They…


Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Who among us would not like to spend holidays in Spain? After all, this sunny…

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10 reasons to go to Israel
When the long-awaited vacation comes up, then during one short trip to the resort I…


travel as comfortably

Modern Hotel Vladimir: what is it?

The history of the hotel business has more than one thousand years. Hotels began to develop in the days of ancient Greece and Rome, and their development was very long. During this time, the hospitality industry has moved very far, from taverns to chic comfortable rooms. The level of service, which plays an important role in the hotel business, did not lag behind. Vladimir’s hotels keep pace with the times, providing their guests with maximum comfort and a wide range of services. Continue reading

10 reasons to go to Israel
When the long-awaited vacation comes up, then during one short trip to the resort I…


On a visit to bison and castles, or Why in Belarus is not worse than in Europe
Have you thought about Belarus not only as a country of potatoes and lakes? But…


Moldova. Republic with wine rivers and fruit shores
Getting into the bright and spacious Chisinau International Airport, you immediately tune in to exciting…
