Tours to Tunisia
Sunny Tunisia attracts tourists from Ukraine and the whole world. Every year more and more…

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Excursions in transit or where the tourist will be offered a free trip during the connection of flights?
Flights with a "long" transfer - not the most favorite offer from tourists. However, at…

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Unforgettable temples of Thailand
Thailand - the country of many beautiful Buddhist temples. We will tell only about some…


To Cairo: in the footsteps of the Holy Family
On the eve of the opening of regular flights between Moscow and Cairo, you should…

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Four reasons to send a tourist to Tunisia
Here, tourists do not need to think out what to do - Tunisia offers excellent…


household appliances

Rest More – Live Longer

Rest More – Live Longer
vacation, rest, acclimatization
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. For them, scientists from America introduced a special term – “absence of leave syndrome”. This is not an allegation, medical studies were conducted, the results of which should be known to every employee and his boss.

Those who consider rest as a waste of time should be aware that their body’s tendency to develop such a disease as cancer increases significantly. Continue reading

Israel Travel News

Israel Travel News
rules of entry, places of rest, Israel
rules of entry, places of rest, Israel
In February 2013, the Israeli authorities significantly simplified and accelerated the entry procedure. The new system is working successfully and concerns not only entering tourists, but also the citizens of Israel. Continue reading

Tours to Thailand. What to do in Bangkok

Anyone who decides to visit Bangkok during his stay in Thailand can be sure that he will not be disappointed. The first thing that catches your eye, or rather, annoying olfactory receptors is a riot of odors. All sorts of flavors accompany everywhere, chasing literally on the heels, and after only a couple of hours a bouquet of fragrances from fried fish, nuts and dried squid does not seem so dumbfounded.

If you do not take into account all the “incense”, beating in the nose of an untrained traveler, then you need to recognize the fact that Bangkok is really fascinating. Continue reading

"New" Paris: little-known tourist places where to go with children
The capital of France is unique in that it is always able to surprise both…


Tours to Tunisia
Sunny Tunisia attracts tourists from Ukraine and the whole world. Every year more and more…


11 amazing things to do on Samui
Beautiful beaches, colorful markets and unique landscapes - this is only a small part of…
