Summer holidays in Crimea
Crimea as a resort began to develop in the second half of the XIX century.…

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Digitization of tourism: who did not have time, he was late
However, the global trend of digitalization of the travel industry indicates a fast and global…

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Exotic Dominicana
Dominicana, Boca Chiku, Juan Dolio Travel companies today delight their customers with a variety of…


UAE (United Arab Emirates) - tours, vacation
UAE - a country of unlimited possibilities People go to this country for unforgettable impressions…

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Tours in Tunisia 2019
Sunny Tunisia attracts tourists from Ukraine and the whole world. Every year more and more…


especially popular

Amazing Vietnam: Immerse yourself in a fairy tale

Coming to Vietnam, looking at the faces of the locals, the question is very interesting – is it true, they are all children of a beautiful fairy and a formidable dragon, as the legend claims? People here are amazingly kind, calm and pleasant. And their country is unusual, interesting and just as open and kind.

Ca phe sua da or ca phe den da: as in a riddle – you need to find the differences. In the first case – it is cold coffee with the addition of condensed milk, in the second – black hot. Coffee in Vietnam is very tasty. Usually they drink it right in the city, surrounded by those who decide to recharge their batteries not at home, but on the street. Continue reading

Tours in Spain – Valencia

One of the largest cities in Spain, Valencia, is located on the Mediterranean coast in the south-eastern part of Spain. City with a mild climate, here the air temperature ranges from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. Summer in the city is very warm, winter is mild.

Valencia is a favorite tourist destination, especially in the summer. A variety of leisure activities, where you can do sports, taste the charm of the cultural and nightlife of the city, attracts people of different age categories. Continue reading

Rest More – Live Longer

Rest More – Live Longer
vacation, rest, acclimatization
In society, you can often meet people for whom work is most important. For them, scientists from America introduced a special term – “absence of leave syndrome”. This is not an allegation, medical studies were conducted, the results of which should be known to every employee and his boss.

Those who consider rest as a waste of time should be aware that their body’s tendency to develop such a disease as cancer increases significantly. Continue reading

Tour to Greece: Weekend in Athens!
Lovers of rest in a European way will have the opportunity, even on a short…


UAE (United Arab Emirates) - tours, vacation
UAE - a country of unlimited possibilities People go to this country for unforgettable impressions…


The "Bride" of the Mediterranean - Alexandria
At the time of "open" Egypt, Alexandria was not popular with the mass Russian tourist,…
