Top 10 most beautiful temples in the world
ST. BASIL'S CATHEDRAL It is a religious building of the XVI century and the most…

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Holidays in Spain - interesting facts
Who among us would not like to spend holidays in Spain? After all, this sunny…

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Excursions in transit or where the tourist will be offered a free trip during the connection of flights?
Flights with a "long" transfer - not the most favorite offer from tourists. However, at…


Excursions in transit or where the tourist will be offered a free trip during the connection of flights?
Flights with a "long" transfer - not the most favorite offer from tourists. However, at…

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Tours to Thailand
Tours to Thailand - a vacation that will not be forgotten The country of smiles…


found options

Tourist Israel

For millions of believers all over the world, the holy land of Israel unites inseparably the shrines of three major religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Having been in places of pilgrimage or having a rest in the tourist resorts of Israel, you keep an indelible mark on your soul for life.

The capital of Israel, which has more than seventy names in different languages ​​of the world, attracts tourists, first of all, with an incredible number of sights, historical and cultural monuments of different nations. Continue reading

The spirit of relaxation in Thailand

As soon as you leave the airport building in Thailand, the moist and hot viscous air immediately envelops you. It smells of spices, flowers, hot earth, something sweet, in general, this smell is difficult to confuse with some other.

It smells like a holiday in Thailand.

Tourists on arrival depart for different islands for an unforgettable pastime. Continue reading

To Cairo: in the footsteps of the Holy Family

On the eve of the opening of regular flights between Moscow and Cairo, you should think about how to spend time, what to look for from the variety of attractions that the many-sided capital city of Egypt can offer, what can serve as an alternative to the usual options and open this country in a new way.

In recent years, the Ministry of Tourism and the Coptic Church of Egypt have been actively promoting and developing a pilgrimage tour – the route of the holy family. It is proposed to follow the path of baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph, who were in Egypt for several years, hiding from King Herod. By itself, the route stretches from Northern Sinai through Cairo and its suburbs to the city of Asyut, includes 25 revered places to complete the entire journey (excluding North Sinai for security reasons) will take 5-8 days. Continue reading

Eternal summer
Dominicana Tour No matter how trite it may sound, but arriving in the Dominican Republic…


Tours to Thailand. What to do in Bangkok
Anyone who decides to visit Bangkok during his stay in Thailand can be sure that…


Unforgettable temples of Thailand
Thailand - the country of many beautiful Buddhist temples. We will tell only about some…
